Monday, April 2, 2018

Watch My Dad Build My Customized Desk

Hi there. A few years ago my talented Dad built me a huge customized desk. I  have had the footage since then and finally got it all put together into a video. He has built so many great pieces over my 52 years, the list is endless. This is the most recent. It is great to have a lot of surface area when you use a wheelchair. It means I can store things where I can see them and access them with ease. As a visual artist, collecting art supplies is an addiction. Having a large area with easy to pull drawers makes my artistic life possible. Thank you always to my wonderful Dad, and Mom too of course. Having caring parents without special needs is a blessing, and an even bigger blessing when you do have those unique needs.
Take a watch Below!
 My Dad Builds My Customized Desk

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